About Us
Our Vision -

We strive to empower all developers, from solo entrepreneurs to larger organizations, harnessing Real-Time Engagement to innovate, enhance user experiences, stand out, and build futuristic applications today.

Our Mission -

Empowering universal real-time engagement, enabling seamless interactions between individuals globally, at any moment and from any location.

oncloud.live stands as a trailblazer and a key global figure in Real-Time Engagement. We offer developers with a Startup Virtual Engagement Platform that's simple, flexible, and robust. This platform integrates real-time voice, video, interactive streaming, chat, and AI capabilities into applications, shaping the future of interaction.

Core values
  • Customer focused
  • Results driven
  • Fostering teamwork
  • Mindful communication
  • Excellence to create joyfully

OnCloud.live Features

Our privacy-first Whitelabel Solution enables seamless customization of workflows, ensuring genuine and trusted customer onboarding experiences for your company

Cloud Recording & Storage

Unlimited Rooms

Virtual Background


Transcription & Summary

Integration with Body Tracking Device

File sharing

Real-time Chats

Prescription & Notes

Pre-call Check


Cross Device & Browser Support

Capture Media

Real-time Analytics