Guarantee a Seamless Telehealth Experience with 2X Enhanced Audio/Video Quality.

Craft an End-to-End Customizable Workflow with Privacy-First Infrastructure.

  • 1:1 Full High-Definition Consultation
  • Easy and quick meeting scheduling and re-scheduling
  • Webhook integration for Body Tracking and Health fleet devices.
  • Streamlined feature Integration for file sharing, chat, writing, and more

What can we build - One Technology, Multiple Use-Cases

Build real-time healthcare solutions using a 100% compliant and scalable infrastructure

Virtual Consultations

Mental Healthcare

Remote Patient Monitoring

Medical Training & Events

Therapy & Fitness Features

Our privacy-first Whitelabel Solution enables seamless customization of workflows, ensuring genuine and trusted customer onboarding experiences for your company

Cloud Recording & Storage

Unlimited Rooms

Virtual Background


Transcription & Summary

Integration with Body Tracking Device

File sharing

Real-time Chats

Prescription & Notes

Pre-call Check


Cross Device & Browser Support

Capture Media

Real-time Analytics

Have a question?

Every team is different. Yet, they hire OnCloud.Live for Integration

Talk to us!

You can get a white-labeled version of if you contact us.